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September 2017 – Newsletter

Congress decided not to extend this $4,000 deduction for 2017, leaving many parents worried that college will now be more expensive. However, Congress left in place two popular education credits that may offer a more valuable tax break…

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August 2017 – Newsletter

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are a great way to pay for medical expenses, and since unused funds roll over from year to year the account can also provide a source of retirement funds…

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July 2017 – Newsletter

Hiring your children to work in your business can be a win-win situation for everyone. Your
kids will earn money, gain real-life experience in the workplace, and learn what you do every
day. And you will reap a few tax benefits in the process…

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June 2017 – Newsletter

Audits are becoming less common. The number of individual tax returns the IRS audited fell
to a 12-year low last year, to just above 1 million. Audits have been steeply declining over the last
five years, which the IRS commissioner said was due in part to declining budgets and a smaller

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May 2017 – Newsletter

The IRS is now handling many routine audit reviews through form letters called correspondence audits. These letters come from the IRS and ask for clarification and justification of specific deductions on your tax return…

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